
And Broke

The administrative assistant just came into my office to inform me that my employee number hasn't made it into the payroll system yet. Which means that yesterday was payday for everyone else but me.

Guess who I need to deal with in order to have this rectified? My Favorite Inept Employee in HR.

It's unfortunate that you can't simply will your life to halt while you're dealing with personal stuff. On that note, it would probably be wise to reserve a rental car and find directions to B's house, as I am flying out to San Francisco tomorrow morning.


Anonymous said...

You loaned my 5 grand 10 years ago to buy a car. How can I help now? Would you like me to:

a. break the kneecaps of the HR person
b. float you a loan for the trip

Your choice - I owe you!

Dewey Dismal said...

Someone definitely needs kneecapping...

ridiculous said...

as this saga drags on to it's second unresolved week and rent looms in the horizon...the kneecapping looks better and better. i'll let you know, gilooly.