
Planning Ahead

Here in ridiculous-land, the whirl continues. My apartment is becoming a place where I drop off my stuff and sleep for a few hours in between social engagements. I guess it has something to do with summer, and the need to make plans to be out and about while the weather is nice. (Although, that theory is slightly suspect, as it has been humid and shitty for the past several days.)

L is pretty wise about this. I was semi-bitching on the phone with her last night, about the need for balance and time on my own and blah, blah, blah...and she said, "Okay, but you're also a social person."

Very true, my friend. Very true.

So, in the spirit of remaining the lovely social butterfly that I am - it's time to start planning my birthday celebration. I'm hoping that LDK will want to join forces again for a Virgoan bash...and I also have a very nice offer to host a quieter celebration at DJ's apartment. (I could do both! Let's celebrate for an entire week!)

Either way, thinking about the options is far better than remaining in a state of denial about turning 35.


Dewey Dismal said...

Ooh, I know what you can do for your birthday! Save money for your Vacation!

Buggy B said...

35 is just another number anyway. Let's party for your birthday and make it a fun time.