
New Name

Due to some unintentionally wacky hijinks involving me at work this morning at o'dark thirty and an unlocked supply closet, I am currently being referred to by my co-workers as 'mystery girl'. (And I can't think of a way to explain this without a long, boring story about our key hiding 'system' along with the, ahem, rigidity of my colleagues, so I'll spare you the details. You can thank me later.)

I think I kinda like it. I wonder if it will stick.

And now I am going to mysteriously go to the gym. And mysteriously run 5 miles.


LORMO said...

You are sooo mysterious.

I can only imagine what you're up to, and it makes me jealous.

g said...

Hmm... Ridiculous Chick? Mystery Girl? Which one of your superhero identities gets to wear a cape?