
Little, Very Little

  • I'm still sick. But as of today, I'm, um, expectorating, which I take as a positive sign that my body is making efforts to expel the illness from my lungs.
  • I still have a scratchy throat. Drinking cold water from our cooler helps...but also creates a lot of sloshing around in my stomach, and...added to the slight pervasive feeling of nausea that I've had over these past few days, it's not good.
  • Uninterupted sleep has been impossible this week. Even if I take Tylenol PM (or a glass of red wine), I'm still waking up in the middle of the night.
  • Regardless, I am running this race on Sunday.
  • The sickness and the race are extremely trivial when you consider this morning's event: attending the funeral of a work colleague's husband. I met her sons, one of whom grasped my hand and seemed not to be able to let go. This made me want to weep uncontrollably, which I delayed until I reached the privacy of my office.
  • My work environment became marginally less creepy today as we now have a security guard posted in our building, which came about after an "actively psychotic" woman entered yesterday and threatened several staff members.
  • Did I mention that I am running this race on Sunday?

1 comment:

Buggy B said...

RUN THE RACE!!! Sounds like a rough week. Focus on the races at this point though. I am running a small 5k this Sunday and that Marathon is a week out and my legs are still cramping. I think your in better shape then I am.
