
Strange Days

As this post title suggests, I've had a strange couple of days.

1. Having declared myself (semi) ready to date a few weeks ago, it appears that for once, there is a link between my internal musings and outside occurences in that I may actually be going on a date in the very near future.

2. On Friday, I spoke with a reporter from the NY Times who is in the midst of writing a story about bedbugs in the city. He found me through this blog. So, there is a possibility that I will be mentioned in the NY Times soon. Or, as someone in my Saturday volunteer group put it, my bugs will be mentioned in the NY Times soon. Based upon the conversation that we had, and my absolute inability to edit my narrative, I would add that my craziness will be mentioned in the NY Times soon. This will probably do wonders for my social life.

3. I received a friend request through Friendster from my first serious crush, a boy named JL who I attended debate camp with at Bates College in 1989. I have not spoken to him since 1989. He is alive and well and an attorney (using those, ahem, debate skills) and living in Brooklyn. Disclosure of the information that I attended debate camp will *also* do wonders for my social life.


The_Gator said...

so since hes an attorney you could say he's a "master debater"????


Anonymous said...

Too bad you couldn't be quoted in the Times for something better than bedbugs, like maybe winning the lotto? Oh well. When the article's published, let me know. I'll look for you.

Caryn said...

Yeah, I'd love to read it too. I had a bedbug experience as well.