

I'm tired tonight, exhausted actually, and it is manifesting itself in a number of ways. I've been dangerously close to tears or laughter all day, both with the potential to be hysterical. I'm eating constantly, not because I'm hungry, but because I'm trying to give myself enough energy to stay awake. My hands are a little shaky from all the caffeine, and I keep rubbing my face and yawning. My thought processes are a little slow (or, slower than usual).

I know exactly why I am so tired. MC was in town on Sunday, and we stayed up until about 3 :00 am obsessively watching 'Rescue Me'. The goal was to get through the entire first season. Luckily, she had more sense than I did, and floated the idea of going to bed at episode 10. Last night she wasn't here, and, left to my own devices, I decided that I needed to watch the remaining episodes. This was not problematic other than the fact that I started watching at 11:30 pm. And that I had to finish writing a paper when I was done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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