
Rain, rain, go away...

I'm sitting in my office, watching the rain continue to pour down. My skirt and feet are still wet from my walk to the subway this morning. I am trying to warm up by drinking chai tea. I am also eating Laffy Taffy, but I'm not sure what that is doing for me, other than spiking my blood sugar levels.

I don't know how my friend MC managed to live in England, where it rains all the time. We're going on one week of this in New York, and I am already feeling miserable.


Anonymous said...

Oh, it's totally easy. You just have to be clinically depressed and thirty pounds overweight. A breeze!


Groomzilla said...

Laffy Taffy is neither laffy nor taffy: discuss.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and doing so with such humour. Next time you're having a bad week in the rain, don't take pity on your friend in England - no, think of those living in Scotland. When it isn't raining here it is only because there is hail or snow coning down in bucketfulls. Summer lasts for 2 days and it usually rains on at least one of them. Apart from that - its great!