
Scheduling, Scheduling

DJ left last night for an out-of-town wedding, which means that I have no study partner, and therefore, for the first Friday in a long time, I will not be going up to school today. This seems like an unbelievable luxury, although I'm sure I'll be kicking myself on Sunday night when I want to watch Grey's Anatomy, and realize that I haven't done any of my reading.

Today, I plan to drop off some dry-cleaning (my black bootcut pants could probably walk by themselves at this point), get a watch battery (I've been telling time by iPod and cell phone for about 7 months), and take two pairs of shoes in for repair (one of them being my favorite high heels which I broke last New Year Eve on the way to a party at the beginning of the night, thus forcing MS to follow me around with crazy glue during the entirety of the party, which didn't work because my balance wasn't too good, and resulted in my limping home via subway around 5:00 am while people viewed my plight and drunkenly slurred 'oh, that suuuuuuuucks').

I'm going to Bumble and Bumble later for my *free* haircut. Yes, most of you don't know this, but I am a hair model, and thus, get my hair 'razor bobbed' every 10 weeks while someone teaches technique using my head, and invariably cuts themselves with the razor. Also, the haircut never really works out to be entirely free, as I am a B&B products whore, and end up spending more than a haircut would have been in the first place on my way out of the salon.

After my 3 hour haircut, I'm going to brave the DMV, as my Jerz license expires on Monday. This will mean that I have a NY license, and for the (rare) occasions in which I get carded upon entrance to a bar, I won't have to endure the doorman's smirk as he imagines that I am a 'bridge and tunnel' girl.

Later, LK and I will be on the Lower East Side, taking advantage of happy hour at one of her favorite bars. Tomorrow is another free day (I am off from my Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention advocacy training) which means that I will a) be out late tonight b) spend Saturday on my couch watching college football and c) have plenty of time to get ready for MS & Groom's halloween party.

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