
Writer's Block(head)

There's been a lot going on with me lately, in New York City, graduate school and dating, but I don't feel equipped to write about it. I'm in a strange emotional place, which I can't write about until I can gain some clarity on my own.

Just to complicate things further, I have an offer to appear on The Daily Show in a segment they are doing about the bedbug epidemic in New York. I'm considering it, but I have a feeling that this can't end well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do it! do it! i know ts easier for me to say then do...but seriously, you would be giving all of us bed bug "victims" a voice and making it better for future victims and god forbid, re-infestations. i know it seems like a huge responsibility and i know what you mean by it cant end well, but just consider it:) you rock