

It is really difficult to write at the New York Public Library, especially the one in my neighborhood, which is always busy. Who knew?

*sigh* I need to buy a new computer. Soon.

I went running yesterday. In Central Park. I thought I was going to die. Most of the time, I fool myself into thinking that I am reasonably athletic. During my lap around the resevoir, there was no way to avoid the truth. I was wheezing and panting and being passed by elderly women. When I finally caught my breath (two hours later), I faced the truth: I am never going to be a runner.


Derek said...

That is sorta a defeatist way to look at it, dontchya think? You can't go running once and expect to be good at it, it takes time and effort. Most of those people probably were in the same boat you were in when they first started; I know I was.

ridiculous said...

you have a point, and i'm not expecting miracles my first time out. i just don't know if i'll ever really reach that zone where running is enjoyable.

Derek said...

That's good advice. Running is really one of those things where you get out of it what you put into it ... definitely tough at first, but if you don't have any knee or back problems I don't see why you couldn't get to a point where you enjoy running.

Sorry to be such an evangalist! But really, I wasn't very athletic in high school, and now I've run 11 marathons. I think running has done a hell of a lot for my self-confidence ... there's nothing quite like setting a tough goal and then achieving it.