
Highs and Lows

B and I are still in that crazy bubble where we can't seem to get enough of each other. I think I was home in my apartment for a total of about 1/2 hour this weekend. Could be relationship newness, could be that I'm leaving Friday for a 2 week vacation and we're storing up as much time together as possible.

I did emerge from the B-ness, however, to go on a training run on Saturday. The planned distance was 7 miles (which is still behind where I should be at this point, but a realistic and achievable goal).

Right around mile 5, I suddenly felt myself swaying and my vision went temporarily black. Luckily, I stopped running before I passed out completely and fell. I sat for a while, in the shade, feeling increasingly weak and nauseous, but had forgotten to bring water, money or a cell phone with me. So I tried to send telepathic messages for help. When none arrived, I eventually hauled myself up and very, very slowly walked home.

I spent the rest of the day in B's air conditioned apartment, alternately napping and drinking water.

Looking back, I think the hot day, the route that had no shade, and not properly hydrating all contributed to the problem. I'm still kinda shook up about it this morning, even though I understand what happened and why.

I feel a big marathon decision coming my way.


Anonymous said...

Don't give up! Remember that happened to me while training for the half. You can do this!

Anonymous said...

Bad runs happen to everyone. Don't give up! Drink lots of water next time and maybe try running earlier in the day or in the evening, when it's cooler. You can do it!

The [Cherry] Ride said...

Give yourself a little more time and some proper prep for a run before you make any decisions!