
It's Not The Heat...

Yeah, that's right. I'm going to talk about the weather. Because, well, everyone else is talking about the weather lately, and I need to be just like everyone else, all the time.

You'd think NYC was under some kind of siege - what with the stalled subway lines, and the 'interupting this program to bring you a special report', and the cooling centers, and the heat indices...I haven't yet seen any signs of disaster-type shopping (you know, people loading up on bottled water, loaves of bread, and US Weekly) but then again, I've been avoiding convenience stores and supermarkets in a misguided attempt to Eat Out Of My Cupboards and Save Some Money.

I don't want to suggest that everyone is crazy, that this is just hot weather, and that I am immune to it all. For the better part of the past few days, I've been holed up in my apartment, cranking up my air conditioning and hoping that there won't be a blackout (although, if there *is* a blackout, it's certainly not my fault). I have to admit that I have been watching the news and looking at the weather maps with a certain sense of grim determination. When I have ventured out, I've seen people striding by who are barely breaking a sweat, and those who look like they might collapse at any moment. My particularly foolhardy moment was choosing to attend a 90 minute yoga class last night. I was a sodden, collapsed mess.

Oh well. At least I was smart enough to decline an invitation to a cocktail party this Thursday, hosted by my friend JP that I just hooked up with, and very possibly attended by A. Awkward!

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