
Ruh Roh

Last night, I had an intake with a new client.

So I met her in the waiting room and we walked back to the office (no cockroaches - bonus!). We made ourselves comfortable. I introduced myself. I managed not to stutter, or make too many hand gestures, or any of the other things that I had been worried about.

We started talking. It seemed to be going well. Ok, I thought. I'm like a real therapist here.

And then, when I asked her if she had any questions, she told me that she had googled my name.

Well, I thought, this is interesting. Like most neurotic people, I do google myself...frequently. However, I was suddenly unable to recall exactly what she would have found. Certainly nothing very 'therapisty'. Does google have links to my myspace page? I know the NY times bedbug stuff is on there...what else could she have seen?

Unable to immediately answer any of these questions, I took a deep breath, reset my mind, and continued the session.

And ran right home and googled myself.


chichimama said...

Well now i have to google you too ;-)

Buggy B said...

What did you find when you googled now? I can't google you yet but I might soon just for giggles. :)