

I've been so tense lately that I find myself clenching my hands tightly even when I am in non-stressful situations, like when I am going to bed at night. My natural facial expression has become a grimace.

What am I worrying about? Well, there's the whole graduating in 58 days thing; the need to register, study and take the licensing exam; complete my coursework; continue to provide candy and emotional support to my clients at the internship; and craft a kick-ass resume.

There's also all the phone calls I need to return and the thank-you notes I need to send.

It wouldn't be bad if I could also find time to do my laundry, go grocery shopping, organize and clean my apartment, replace my watch battery, obtain DSL service so I can stop intermittently stealing internet, retrieve a few essential items from storage, and cook a batch of chili to freeze for quick/inexpensive lunches.

Oh, and I need to find a job.

Since I've halted my usual coping mechanisms (smoking, drinking) I've found these to be a somewhat acceptable substitute.

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