
It's All Too Real

I just bought my graduation gown, cap and tassle - all in a lovely shade of light blue, thank you very much. I also checked the posted list of master's candidates, and I'm on it.

I guess this means I'm really done soon. Which is funny, because I feel like the master of absolutely nothing right now.

Also, since I was forced to buy the graduation regalia, it's mine forever. I think I'm just going to start hanging out in my cap and gown all the time. Tempting, no?


Anonymous said...

I still have mine too, we can wear them and lounge around on your front stoop!

The_Gator said...

yessum masta!


Groomzilla said...

Who invited the racist?

My Columbia University graduation gown was rented, not purchased, and therefore more of a light bluish dirt color.