
95% Done

I'm just about finished with graduate school. I have a paper to hand in at 6:00 pm, internship/last class tomorrow, internship Thursday, and then...nothing.

Everyone around me seems to be feeling celebratory. I just want to hole up in my apartment and process everything. Alone.

My friend Megan put it perfectly. When she was in my position, leaving graduate school, "I felt like the madwoman in the attic, and everyone else wanted to be out on the lawn..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A lot going for lawns, especially when the sun is out for once. We in grey England tend to make the most of it, and all go slightly mad when the sun DOES shine. Which is rare.

Saying that, being the woman in the attic isn't ALWAYS bad, as long as you know you won't be in there forever!

Good luck!