
The Perfect Day

Well, ok, today wasn't perfect perfect, in the sense that I had to drag my ass out of bed sluggishly even though I had only one drink last night. And then went to school where I attempted to analyze the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (and why are those two grouped, btw?) National Outcome Measures for program measurement in efficiency, quality and effectiveness. And spent the better part of the afternoon trying to understand what the hell that meant and what the hell I was talking about in the paper I was writing on the same subject.

Then DJ and I dragged ourselves to her apartment, still burping up the Italian heroes we had wolfed down at 2:00 pm on the campus quad, which was covered with security due to some visiting 'leader' from some country or other. And we sat on her couch in her apartment and felt tired and full and fat. So, ok, I guess the beginning part of the day wasn't all that great.

But then things changed. We somehow motivated ourselves to go running in Central Park. When we stepped outside to head towards the park, the sky was a leaden gray and the weather felt threatening and ominous. The atmosphere felt green. In what was different from our usual routine, we decided to run to the park, in hopes of getting in a workout before the storm hit. But as we ran, our eyes looking up at the sky, the weather softened. And when we finally got to the resevoir, the scene was pretty cool. The humidity had lessened, and while the sky was still gray, there where bits of bright blue sky. At one point, we looked across the resevoir and the gray sky in combination with the building lights just starting to come on and the gathering dusk was totally beautiful. Eventually, we headed back home, covered with sweat, but feeling better than we had all day. We even kept running up the hill that eventually leads out of the park (well, ok, it was remarkable that I kept running, DJ is always able to run the whole time). And it felt great to be stretching and pushing ourselves and outside. Our minds cleared.

Later in the night, we went to the BEST place and attempted to do more reading, but instead were giggly and silly. And then I arrived home and my apartment had actually cooled off and there are groceries in the fridge and US Weekly arrived and life is good.

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