

  • Much like Jay Z, I "can't let the day go bye without me being fly, fresh, and def".
  • I'm so immersed in my job right now, that, at any given moment, I have all kinds of facts spinning around in my head, like "alcohol is the most commonly used date rape drug" and "85% of all sexual assaults are committed by someone the victim knows". Fun for me and everyone around me.
  • Looking in the mirror this morning, I had the startling thought that I look more and more like my dad as I get older. If this continues, I'm likely to develop an Italian accent and start wearing cardigans purchased in 1962.
  • Yesterday, during a particularly low moment of yet another presentation to apathetic 8th graders, I just stopped speaking. And stood there. And thought about leaving. The kids did not seem to notice my lapse, as they were busy with side conversations, wandering around the classroom, and starting mini-fights with one another.
  • I feel like a match.com loser...8 emails sent, no replies. I have received 2 unsolicited emails: one containing a slightly creepy poem about my 'mesmerizing eyes' and the other from someone who lives in the midwest.
  • Today, following three 12-hour workdays, I'm leaving early. I have something very exciting planned. Laundry.

1 comment:

The [Cherry] Ride said...

Since we're sharing, I kinda look like my mom.