
Wisdom, From Me To You

  • If you're hosting a gay wedding shower, and looking for theme ideas, googling 'gay wedding shower' will not produce the intended results.
  • It's an especially bad idea to google this term while at work.
  • Old Navy flip flops are not the recommended footwear when walking 3.5 miles to school.
  • A long day spent researching and writing a paper is best followed by spending time with an ultra-supportive friend.
  • If a Corona and a taco become part of the plan, it's even better.
  • Online shopping for a new dress for your end-of-the-year social work gala is a good use of your time.
  • Job hunting is a demoralizing process which can paralyze your self-esteem.
  • Discussions regarding the state of your current romantic relationship are best left alone until you're averaging at least 5 hours of sleep per night.
  • When everything in your life after May 4th is undefined and undecided, the best you can do is close your eyes, smile, and take the leap, trusting that everything will happen as it should.
  • And maybe smoke some cigarettes along the way.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

A gay wedding shower sounds like a blast!

Maybe a Corona (or 2 or 6) for lunch on May 5 will make the transition into "undefined and undecided" more of a party. :-)