Mike signed up for the half-marathon this week. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around this, because all of our previous teamwork activities have revolved around heavy drinking, chicken-wing eating, and sport spectating.
Caitlin has been my virtual partner; her interest and enthusiasm moved me from 'semi-declaring/considering/waffling' to 'registering/training/doing'. And we're scheduled for a training run this coming Monday.
I guess I really, really need to do this now.
In other news, I went to the Syracuse/Rutgers basketball game on Wednesday night. The good guys won. And EB and I amused ourselves the whole way back into the city with an extended game of 'Would You Be My Friend If...' while the boys slept, possibly in defense against having to listen to EB and I play 'Would You Be My Friend If...'for 45 minutes.
During the game, JP and I determined that 1) the name 'Devendorf' is fun to say and 2) Devendorf is a punk.

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