My stress levels are not to be believed right now. Everything is really exciting, but just...a lot. And I need somewhere to put it. And B would probably prefer that it's not all on him.
Possible targets:
- Anyone, really, on the NYC transit system. Especially that lady who shoved past me as I stepped off the 1 train (to let passengers on, as directed) and grabbed my seat. MY SEAT.
- Our current building management company, who will not bend regarding our lease, which ends while we're away on our honeymoon, forcing us to move BEFORE our wedding, thus forfeiting part of our rent. The lease office is next door. Do you think they can feel my hatred while I glare at them through the wall?
- Real estate brokers. I've had just about enough of the high pressure sales tactics, non-negotiable fees, lies regarding square footage, etc., etc., etc.
- The construction right outside our window, especially what with the pounding and sawing at 7 am.
- The various wedding beauty vendors who believe that, because I am paying them, they are able to freely offer their opinions on my appearance. I've received feedback regarding my "thin" hair, "round" face, "misshaped" eyebrows, "lack of" cheekbones, "too wide" forehead, "large" hips, and "short" legs. Thank you!
- The New York State board who is dithering about the requirements needed for the next stage of my social work license.
- My former union, who hasn't gotten the word that I was LAID OFF (even though they promptly ended my benefits in July) and leaves voicemail messages, exhorting member "brothers and sisters" to rise up on any number of issues. Union now, my ass.
- Presidential campaign. 'Nuff said.