It might not be readily apparent to my readers, but I've been in a major funk lately.
Even I didn't realize the full impact of my crappy mood until I:
1. had lunch with The Lawyer and she commented on it (and she's seen me through some doozies in the past. Ha. I just used the word "doozies". I don't even know if that's a real word.) and
2. had a talk with B about just how little fun it's been to cohabitate with my cranky ass (and the rest of me, presumably).
If pressed to apply some self-analysis, I could theorize that the daily self-esteem pounding from the past year at my previous job is rearing its ugly head, now that I have time to think about it. *Or* the net effects of being laid-off, the manner in which I left, and the ensuing quest to blame myself.
I could go on and on with that, but, really, what's the point?
The point is, it's time for it to stop. To that end, I actually got up this morning and went to yoga for the first time in, well, a long time. And then I got a pedicure, and looked for recipes for dinner, and shopped for dinner. And tonight we'll be taking a walk to watch the sun set.
Little stuff, but it's gotta be better than the pity party I've been throwing for the past month.