I just spoke with my ex-boyfriend, T, who told me that they had to put Wallace to sleep yesterday.
Wallace was the dog that T and I owned while we were living in Hoboken, way back in 1996. When we broke up, it was just her and I for a while, until I moved to a place that didn't allow dogs. Luckily, T's family was able to adopt Wallace, and they took excellent care of her for the past 8 years. I didn't see her often, but was glad to get updates and photos from T when he went home for visits.
I still remember meeting her for the first time, a tiny puppy who was all ears, wrapped up in a blanket and shivering. And I just tearfully laughed on the phone with my mom, thinking about the time when Wallace jumped up on our kitchen table and devoured an entire stick of butter before anyone could stop ber (her coat was extra shiny for weeks).
Wow - I'm really sorry to hear that. After Wallace ate my shoe, it was touch and go for a while, but she was a sweet dog. RIP.
I don't necesasarily agree with how you labeled this one. She'll always be a part of you.
She looks like such a sweet dog.
I am so, so sorry. Wallace was a wonderful dog.
Really sorry to hear about that. Losing a dog is heartbreaking.
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