
The Dream Has Died

Yesterday morning, my brother and SIL emailed to ask if I could participate in a bookfair that my SIL is organizing for The Peanut's pre-school. It was a good opportunity, rife with the possibility of ridiculousness: dress up in a Curious George costume at a bookstore during a reading for kids. It was stipulated that I wouldn't have to actually say anything...I would just need to "wave and sign autographs."

Awesome, I thought. This is gonna be hilarious. And so I readily agreed to help. And then instructed B that he would need to bring the camera, because this was surely going to make for good joke/blog fodder. Especially if I ran into someone I knew, which was very likely, given that the event was being held in my hometown.

Alas, like most best-laid plans, it was not to be. My SIL emailed last night to tell me that they found someone else who could fill in. And so my dream of dressing and acting like a fictional cartoon monkey abruptly ended.

I feel so empty inside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think our church is looking for a Santa Clause for the winter. How about having a hundred kids screaming on your lap while you yell (in as masculin a voice as you can muster), "Ho, ho, ho!"


PS I would have paid a lot of money to see you in the monkey costume!