
Things Can Only Get Better

It must be emblamatic of the amount of sh*t that is going on right now that I can't even remember how to sign my name.

My last name changed in one life (personal) but not in the other (professional) and I haven't mastered either signature at this point - even after signing my (personal) name for the past, um, 30-something-ish years.

I think my brain/hand coordination is telling me that I don't know who I am.


Unknown said...

wow, i worry about that! I love my last name, and I don't know if I can get used to writing a different. But the most ANNNOYING thing is when you have to change ALL of your documents--like Visa cards, license, etc. Men have it so easy!

amothersheartinwords said...

i used to practice before i got married. i guess there are advantages to being a stalker. haha! hey. i still, at least once a year, sign my maiden name somewhere. usually after a dream of an old boyfriend. did i just say that outloud?