
I Forgot My Mantra

Yesterday, I had the day off and B was able to leave work at noon. It was gorgeous outside, so we went to our favorite spring/summer restaurant.

As we sat by the water, drinking in the sunshine (literally drinking in the sunshine - corona for me, pina colada for him), it became a moment, a feeling of being truly happy. Even Stewie seemed to pick up on the contentedness, and stoppped tugging on his leash, trying to play with kill pigeons. B and I smiled at one another. "We are so lucky to be living in New York", I said.

This morning, as we squished onto the downtown 3 and two of our fellow passengers engaged in an argument over personal space, and all the noise and energy and challenge of the city swirled around us, I tried to access that blissful mood.

B noted the sour look on my face and started humming "I Love New York".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha. This is classic NYC right here.