
Be Careful What You Wish For

Dear Everyone I Spoke To Last Weekend:

Remember how my boiler was broken? And how I bitched endlessly about how cold it was in my apartment? And then how I talked about sleeping in sweatpants and a fleece jacket and still freezing, and about how I was sure I was going to get sick from the lack of heat? And then the whining about how my muscles hurt from shivering and curling up in a ball under my covers for most of the weekend? And then remember the threats I made about calling 311 to report my landlord? And my announcement that I hated my building and that I needed to move again?

Yeah, at any point you could have interupted that tirade and reminded me of the alternative - blazing heat, a radiator that won't turn off, and the difficult choice between sweltering/dehydrating OR opening my windows and subjecting myself to the noise and dirt of 9th Avenue.

Or you could have just told me to shut the fuck up.


1 comment:

andebobandy said...

we had the same problem in our apartment and we called 311, and they said that during the winter months they only take complaints on lack of heat, not overwhelming heat. we covered our radiator with the blanket we would have used on ourselves, and it helped a litte.