
Weekly Recap

I've become one of those assholes who can't make plans without consulting my calendar. It's true, and I sometimes loathe myself for it. The Jammer should have known he was doomed when he asked me when we could see each other again, and I was too tired/lazy/indifferent to get my ass off the couch to check. Anyway.

I'm quite startled to find that it is February. Where did January go? In order to (partially) unravel the mystery, let's consult last week's schedule. (I'm sure this is going to be fascinating for all of you, reading minutae of my life).

Internship 10:00-5:00
Yoga 7:15-8:45
Debriefing, Tasti-Delite with MM 8:45-9:30
Daily check-in/moan about school/affirmations with DJ 9:30-10:10
Break-up, Jammer 10:00-10:04
Debriefing with DJ 10:05-10:30
Attempt at reading 10:31-10:40
Talking to R 10:40-12:00 (much better than reading about PMDD)

School reading 6:00-7:30
Adult Psychopathology 9:00-10:50
Visit to Teacher's College Bookstore, buy books ($134.98 - ouch), eat free candy
Advanced Generalist Practice and Programming 2:00-3:50 (say that 5 times, fast)
Dinner with M 8:00-10:30
School reading 10:30-12:00

Internship 10:00-5:30 (including awkward clinical meeting 11:00-2:00)
Social Work with Battered Women 6:00-8:00
Dinner with The Lawyer 9:00-10:30
In bed with Us Weekly 10:40 (an excellent way to counteract that I just ate all of Thailand.

Internship 10:00-5:00 (clients from 12:00-3:00)
Bikini waxing with LK 5:15-5:30
Black History Month Opening Dinner @ Internship 6:00-8:00
Girl's Night 8:00-11:00 (sober, how strange)

Therapy 10:45-11:50 (and I'm sure we could spend even longer talking about my craziness)
Yoga 12:30-1:30
Sushi with MM 1:30-2:00
Shopping, shopping, shopping 2:00-5:00 (these, and these, and this)
NYPL, check e-mail, ignore muttering of the person next to me 5:00-5:30
On-call, SAVI program. 6:00-


-8:00 end on-call shift.
Drag myself reluctantly out of bed, laundry 8:30-10:30
Frantically clean apartment 10:45-11:30
Lunch with my brother, SIL and The Peanut 12:00-2:00 ( yum!)
School, fucking around in the computer lab 2:30-6:00 (blogging for my loyal audience)
Movie night with DM 6:30-

You're riveted, aren't you?

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