
Schlump Day

My Wednesdays are CRAZY. CRAZY. I'm going to document it here so I can look back one day and just laugh and laugh and laugh.

5:47am: Awake to the soothing sounds of NPR and B. snoring
6:16am: Leave the house
6:30am: Arrive at gym, rock it out on the treadmill
7:15am: Back home, wake up still sleeping husband
8:30am: Subway, roll eyes at crowding and egregious violations of etiquette
9:00am: Arrive, psychoanalytic institute for advanced trauma training
1:00pm: Subway, roll eyes at crowding and egregious violations of etiquette
1:30pm: "Lunch"
1:45pm: Meeting with supervisor
3:00pm: Subway, roll eyes at crowding and egregious violations of etiquette
3:15pm: Arrive at work, two client appointments
6:15pm: Subway, roll eyes at crowding and egregious violations of etiquette
6:50pm: "Dinner"
7:00pm: Psychoanalytic institute client
8:00pm: Next psychoanalytic institute client
8:45pm: Walk to trivia
9:00pm: Arrive, Conker Hill for trivia
11:00pm: Win trivia
11:10pm: Bus ride home, roll eyes at crowding and egregious violations of etiquette
11:40pm: Pizza, garlic knots
11:45pm: Top Chef
12:30am: Sleep - sweet, sweet sleep


Anonymous said...

look, until you're forced to poop on a paper plate under pressure, I dont wanna hear it!

dont forget - retard is not a race


Anonymous said...

By "forced" do you mean they begged you not to but you did anyway?