
Poking The Stick In The Bear Cage

As previously noted (too lazy to link to it, but it's posted somewhere in the blog) B's mom has a limited filter between her thoughts and her words. One part of me admires her directness. Another part just sits back and...wow. No filter.

It is to my discredit that I sometimes deliberately try to get her riled up, and encourage the no-filtering. As I did on Saturday.

B's mom: Are you looking for a new job?
me: Nope. I think I'm just gonna take some time off. Let B support me. Relax a little bit.
B's mom: But he can't support the two of you. Not with the way you live.
me: Well, if we need more money, he can just get a second job.
B's mom: But how will he do comedy?
me: He can just give that up. I mean, what's more important, his comedy career, or keeping me happy?


B's mom: Are you going to change your name once you're married?
me: [with the most disgusted face I can make] Oh God no. Why would I want a name like that?


B's mom: If the two of you have kids, what religion will the children be?
me: What we're going to do is ask you and my parents each to come up with a 10 minute presentation about their religion. You can use Powerpoint, pictures, video, etc. We'll choose a winner based on the persuasiveness of the argument.


Anonymous said...

you need a hidden camera for these conversations - hilarious!

Buggy B said...

WOW, I always knew I liked your sense of humor. I would be doingthe same thing. And as J said keep it up and post some pictures for those. :)

ridiculous said...

j & buggy: i will do my best.