

B and I are currently fostering a dog.

This came about *not* with careful planning and reasoned discussion, but with one of us (ahem) responding to an ad on Craigslist about a dog on the euth list with less than 24 hours to live.

How could we say no?

We pikced up Kilo this past Saturday, with the information that he was a 9 year old "Staffie mix" who had recently been abandoned when his owner was called for service in the army. We thought we'd be getting a nice, sedate companion dog.

Kilo is a maniac.

He hurls all 50 pounds of himself toward squirrels, birds, and insects. He circles our couch, never settling down. He doesn't seem to know his own name, or at least, does not respond to it. He's not so familiar with basic commands like "sit", "stay", or "please don't chase after squirrels". And in the past 24 hours, he's developed a wicked case of kennel cough that has him horking all over the apartment at all hours.

He's also a sweet, dopey, gentle dog who never got the right training. And though he is generally uncouth, when left alone in our home, he's very respectful.

B and I would love to adopt him, but neither of us has the time to devote to training, discipline, or structure. So, if you're looking for a dog, or know someone who is, would you consider Kilo?

After all, you could probably rename him anything you'd like.


Mr. Doomsday

While I was out today during this brief non-rainy weather than we're having, I passed a street vendor.

"Ummmmbrellas", he sang.

People kept rushing by. So he changed it up.

"It's nooooot ov-er", he intoned.

I hope he's wrong.